The Plan (stylized as Th3 Plan) is astealthactiongame which was developed by Eko System, produced byMonte Cristo Multimedia, and published byMurtaza Ravjani andGhostlightLtd. The game was released forPlayStation 2andMicrosoft Windowson March 31, 2006 in Europe and on April 17, 2007 for theUnited States. Designed as a budget-title by Crave, the game initially sold for just $15.
The Plan sees mastermind Robert Taylor surround himself with some of most highly skills professionals with one objective in mind, steal two famous Rembrandt paintings and sell them on for a nice profit.
The Gameplay is like a Role-Playing Game, in which we can interchange between characters to play with each and team up to complete the missions given. The game has a Third-Person View.
Th3 Plan has been received with mixed reviews from critics and gamers alike, the meta-critic average is 50 out of 100. The major gripes with the game are the out of date graphics and more sound.
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